Tuesday, September 4, 2012

marshmallow effect.

EQ takes over where IQ takes off. 

lately my work mates are resigning for better opportunities. to start with i don't see anything seriously wrong with THE FIRM. somehow people just don't see the long term benefit of staying. 

so why do i feel sad? that's because they were already given the opportunity to control their future but they let it pass because of bigger paycheck.
as a stockbroker we are exposed to the market. and exposure is an advantage. that's on top of the discounted commission that we have per trade.

they could have taken control of their financial future by trading. right now i am start to trade and its a challenge but you just have to do it. assume risk. hope that you have the right timing.

compounding interest. if all goes well, i'll be set for life in 3-5 years.
its all about numbers, getting acquainted with the charts. analysis. this is where your IQ comes in.

waiting, setting expectations, assumption that everything will vanish, these are all part of risk taking. cost benefit analysis. that's EQ for you.
its good thing that i have experienced not getting what i want. even after repeated attempts. my childhood is a good training ground for stockbrokers.

so here, my dreams of taking on the world culminates. i just have to be patient and accept that the market is beyond my control. i'll stay. i won't quit, not until i have the hundred thousand dollars on my portfolio :-)

never underestimate the power of compounding interest. so whatever that i do today will have a multiplier effect on how the coming days will turn out.
IQ will make you see the risk, the opportunity, EQ will tell you to stay or to jump. 

For us BPO and MNC folks, intelligence can only take us so far, but without the patience to endure the tediousness of waiting, we would only be hopping from one job to the next.

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